Terms & Conditions
Cancellation policy
Written cancellations will be refunded according to the receipt of the cancellation claim in the following dates.
From | To | |
1st June 2025 | 100% refund less $50 | |
2nd June 2025 | 15th June 2025 | 50% refund less $50 |
16th June 2025 | No refund |
Extra charges
Additional cost of $50 for extra administrative document will be sum up to the registration fee of the participant.
Additional cost of $100 for payment onsite will be sum up to the registration fee of the participant.
Force majeure
Upon cancellation of attendance due to force majeure (a public disaster, riot, epidemic, fire, flood, act of God, war, civil disturbance, requirement of government or other public body), the organization will refund payments already made to those participants who have requested them, deducting the non-recoverable expenses of the organization.
Any other cancellations due to personal reasons that take place after the established deadlines will not be reimbursed.
Registration Terms and Conditions
1. Identification of the parties.
Fundació Scito
Calle Poeta Mas y Ros, 130 bajo, derecha
46022 Valencia, Spain
Trade Mark: nanoGe
Tel. +34 963 257 160
Registered in the Valencian Community Registry of Foundations with number 607V
The user who registers, consigning their personal data in the registration form, upon acceptance of our Privacy Policy, and before formalize a purchase, accepts our General Conditions of Registration.
To access and use the online shopping service, you must have reached the age of majority set by the current Spanish Law.
2. Purpose, language and geographical scope.
a. Purpose
Through this electronic procedure, any user previously registered in this online shopping site, can register in any event or conference exposed in it, which entails the right of attendance and participation to the selected event in exchange for a certain price and publicly exposed through the website, all regulated by each and every one of the points set herein General Conditions of Registration.
b. Language
You can access our online shopping site, the Policy Privacy, the General Registration Conditions and perform any management, in the English language.
ii. The details of the event or conference will be in English
iii. Proof of payment and the bill will be in English.
iv. Any communication with the buyer is conducted in English.
c. Geographic area
Through this electronic procedure, any user previously registered in this online shopping site, can register in any event or conference exposed in it, which entails the right of attendance and participation to the selected event in exchange for a certain price and publicly exposed through the website, all regulated by each and every one of the points set herein General Conditions of Registration.
3. Features events and / or conferences.
We provide in each event or conference additional information, available when clicking on the name of it, where you will find the following:
- Name
- Description
- Place
- Dates
- Speakers
- Topics
- Program
- Rates
- Timetable
- Directions
- Additional information (excursions, social dinner, etc)
4. Economic conditions
a. Prices
i. All prices are without taxes (VAT Tax Value Added) because our activity is exempt, under Art. 20.1 and 20.3 of Law 37/1992 of 28 December, on VAT.
b. Changing prices
i. The seller reserves the right to change prices, which will be immediately updated on the web.
ii. Those orders already processed before the price changes, respect the prevailing rate at the time the order is placed.
iii. The lists stored in the Shopping Cart or Cart, will not be considered binding to the formalization of the purchase payment, so that will apply the prices prevailing at the time of the formalization of the purchase.
c. Discounts
i. If you have a discount code, you can include it just before the Order confirmation.
ii. Such codes are generated and unique discounts granted and solely at the discretion of the seller.
d. Billing and payment methods
i. All buy involves the issuance of an invoice in accordance with Spanish applicable legislation.
ii. Invoice can be downloaded in the private section of your account after receive a confirmation of purchase email and have checked the formalization of payment.
e. Payment Terms and conditions
i. Payment via PayPal*.
ii. Payment by bank transfer*.
*Both payment methods have associated expenses that will be reflected in the invoice.
f. Transaction security
i. Access to transactional pages is made in the secure environment of Pay Pal.
ii. In case of bank transaction, the user does not require to indicate any bank information on our website.
g. Fees and taxes
The indicated price is exempt from Value Added Tax (VAT), pursuant to Art. 20.1 and 20.3 of Law 37/1992 of 28 December, Tax value added of the Spanish legislation.
h. General conditions relating to foreign currency transactions
All prices are based on currency rates of exchange in effect at the time of registration opening. All prices are subject to change without prior notice due to currency fluctuation, fuel prices and/or unforeseen economic circumstances. In the case of human or computer error Fundació Scito reserves the right to re-invoice for the correct price or service.
6. Availability
a. Availability
i. Most of our events have limited places and it shown in the registration area. Once this limit is reached, registration closes for the event / conference.
7. Withdrawal and Returns
a. Right of withdrawal and deadlines
i. You are entitled to withdraw from your purchase within 14 natural days without justification, as long as the date does not exceed 60 calendar days from the date of the congress.
ii. The withdrawal period shall expire 14 calendar days from the date of customer delivery.
iii. To withdraw, simply communicate Fundació Scito this right before the expiration of the deadline.
b. Procedure for exercising the withdrawal
i. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify its decision to cancel the purchase through an unequivocal statement calling telephone number +34 963 257 160, where we will indicate the steps.
ii. If you wish, you can also send the Withdrawal model form.
iii. In case of choosing the option of sending the withdrawal form, once received you will be sent to your email immediate notification with some instructions.
c. Return conditions for withdrawal
i. Economic return and withdrawal costs
ii. We will make the payment within a period of 14 calendar days from exercising their right of withdrawal and using the same means of payment used by the purchaser in the initial transaction, and will not incur in any costs as a result of the reimbursement.
8. Confidentiality and Data Protection
a. Right of withdrawal and deadlines
All processes of treatment and data storage from the buyer and / or the user registered are governed by our Privacy Policy.
1. The list of participants can be published on the website.
2. Being a public event, you can take pictures and / or video recordings to be used then promote the event and nanoGe.
9. Claims and Customer
a. Right of withdrawal and deadlines
Buyer can contact us to communicate any possible incidence, consult or suggest what you want, for which we provide the following routes:
i. Personally in our offices or by sending a letter to the following address:
Fundació Scito
Calle Poeta Mas y Ros, 130 bajo, derecha
46022 Valencia, Spain
Trade Mark: nanoGe
Tel. +34 963 257 160
ii. By phone:
Tel. +34 963 257 160
iii. By email:
b. Shipping and courier services during Conferences
Fundació Scito is not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of any kind of material delivered to the conference venue.
Fundació Scito will provide to participants, a shipping address and contact person, based on information provided by the Conference venue but with limited responsibility.
It is Fundació Scito advise to properly label any shipping and use courier services with tracking service and / or insurance for loss or damage.
10. Jurisdiction, applicable law and settlement system conflicts
a. These General Terms of Membership shall be governed by the provisions of Spanish law.
b. The parties submit, at its option, to resolve conflicts and waiving any other jurisdiction, the court and courts of your domicile
Conference secretariat
Secretariat of the ACIN, from 21th to 22nd November, Valencia, Spain.
General Management:
Fundació Scito
Local management and information about reservation and payments
Contact: acin@scitoevents.com
Payments are made to:
Fundació Scito
Calle Poeta Mas y Ros, 130 bajo, derecha
46022 Valencia, Spain
Phone number: +34 963 257 160
Mobile phone: +34 696 334 751
F.C. G-98214604