Aziridinium Cation Templating 3D Hybrid Perovskites
Hanna Petrosova a, Olesia Kucheriv a, Valerii Sirenko a, Oleksandr Semenikhin a, Dmytro Haleliuk a, Sergiu Shova b, Il’ya Gural’skiy a
a Department of Chemistry, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska St. 64, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine
b Department of Inorganic Polymers, Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Aleea Grigore Ghica Voda 41-A, Iasi 700487, Romania
Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS)
Proceedings of MATSUS Fall 2023 Conference (MATSUSFall23)
#MHPN3 - Fundamental Advances in Metal Halide Perovskites and Beyond: new materials, new mechanisms, and new challenges
Torremolinos, Spain, 2023 October 16th - 20th
Organizers: Paola Vivo, Qiong Wang and Kaifeng Wu
Poster, Hanna Petrosova, 338
Publication date: 18th July 2023

Extensive study of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites became one of the most rapid-developing research topics in materials science during the past decade. Hybrid halide perovskites have a general formula ABHal3, where A+ is an organic cation, B2+ is a metal cation usually represented by Pb, Sn or Ge and Hal is a halogen anion. For 25 years only methylammonium (perovskites discovered in 1978) and formamidinium (perovskites discovered in 1997) were known to be suitable organic cations to support the formation of 3D hybrid perovskites with all three Cl, Br and I anions. Simultaneously, it is worth mentioning, that methylhydrazinium and fluoromethylammonium can stabilize 3D perovskite structures with Cl or Br anions.

Our study shows that aziridinium cation (AzrH) is able to stabilize 3D perovskite structure of (ArzH)PbHal3 (Hal = Cl, Br, I). We describe the synthesis of the first aziridinium-based compounds, namely hybrid perovskites (AzrH)PbHal3. Highly reactive species of aziridinium was stabilized in 3D lead halide frameworks and was found to be an organic cation which is small enough to promote the formation of semiconducting organo-inorganic materials. All three perovskites crystallize in cubic Pm-3m space group at room temperature. Optical bandgaps of 2.99 eV (Cl), 2.27 eV (Br) and 1.52 eV (I) were determined for new hybrids.[1]

In addition, by employing the antisolvent precipitation technique and stabilization with a cationic surfactant we succeeded in obtaining quantum dots of (ArzH)PbBr3 with the average size of 8.6 nm that display green (520 nm) luminescence. The obtained nanoparticles are characterized by green emission luminescence (520 nm) and display good chemical and photostability. It was shown that the quantum dots’ emission can be blue-shifted via bromide substitution with chloride by 58 nm and red-shifted via substitution with iodide by 122 nm. This study shows the perspective of aziridinium-based materials for the elaboration of advanced photonic nanostructures.[2]

Moreover, we have managed to obtain new 3D tin-based (lead-free) hybrid perovskites with aziridinium cation (AzrH)SnHal3 (where Hal = Cl, Br or I). All of the obtained perovskites undergo temperature-dependent crystallographic phase transitions at low temperature. UV-vis measurements showed that (AzrH)SnHal3 perovskites display absorption edges, characteristic for semiconducting materials. The optical band gaps of the obtained compounds were found to be 3.48 eV (Cl), 2.46 eV (Br) and 1.54 eV (I). Similar aziridinium perovskites have also been obtained with germanium.

In addition, the possibility to fine-tune the bandgap of obtained perovskites through mixing halogen or Sn/Pb sites was investigated. Thus, the discovered compounds form a new group of 3D semiconducting lead-free perovskites that can widen the range of suitable materials for solar cells and light-emitting diodes production.

The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the courage of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that made the realization of this work possible. We also acknowledge Cologne International Forum Innovative Tandem Collaboration grant for supporting participation in MATSUS23 conference.

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