Proceedings of MATSUS Fall 2023 Conference (MATSUSFall23)
Publication date: 18th July 2023
MAPbI3 amongst other OMH perovskites is undergoing tetragonal-to-cubic phase transitions within the operational temperature range of solar cells. Many properties of these hybrid perovskite materials, such as piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity, ferroelectricity and ionic conductivity are directly linked to the crystal phase and temperature of the sample. Notably, polar domains that form in MAPbI3 thin-films during the solar cell fabrication have been observed,[1,2,3] We have previously shown that poling of these domains can be achieved in an external E-field that is similar to built-in fields in solar cells during operation.[4]
In this work, we use Piezoresponse Force Microscopy to monitor an evolution of these domains that is triggered by common thermal treatment of perovskite solar cell at 100°C.[5] Our findings suggest that control over the domain structure in these light absorbing, semiconducting compounds may be essential in order to maximize performance and stability of hybrid perovskite solar cells.
Misaligned domains can hamper charge carrier transport in a solar cell and temperature cycling during operation will have an immediate impact on degradation processes. In particular, microstructural changes due to stress and strain when the thin-films undergo a tetragonal/cubic phase transition are an often overlooked factor contributing to the instability of perovskite solar cells. We show that local crystal defects can form and vanish both at ferroic domain walls and crystal grains and in turn modulate ionic conductivity and diffusion. Finally, we extend our investigations towards triple-cation perovskites in order to identify design rules for new compositions such as lead-free perovskites and more stable perovskite-inspired solar cell absorber materials.[6]
A.S., H.R., and A.C. acknowledge funding by the Carl Zeiss Foundation (project KeraSolar). H.R. and A.C. further appreciate funding by the Helmholtz Association (program Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition). H.R. thanks the Vector Foundation for funding of the project MolKristall. All authors thank Martin Etter and Alexander Schoekel for beamtime support at the P02.1 beamline of DESY