Jovana Milic
EPFL, Switzerland
We currently use Zoom for our online conferences.
After the news appeared in the last days, our technical team and different experts have verified that the use of Zoom does not imply a direct security problem for the user, provided the following measures are followed:
- Keep zoom updated to the latest version.
- Do not share user or conference ID or passwords.
- Do not share the url (web address) that reaches you to access.
- Do not download Zoom from unofficial websites
- Verify that the emails you receive to access our conferences are from, or
nanoGe is eager to promote the organization of online seminars. Do you have a topic? It's very easy to lauch a meetup! Just describe the topic, decide a few speakers, and fill the form.
Most important: We wish to encourage participation of both junior and senior researchers, please propose interesting research directions
The Online Seminar Contemporary Stability Challenges in Hybrid Perovskite Photovoltaics took place on April 16th 2020.
The Contemporary Stability Challenges in Hybrid Perovskite Photovoltaics was a short online seminar that aimed to promote exchange and discussion around the hybrid perovskites stability.
This conference gathered experts from different disciplines of chemistry, physics and engineering to create a unique online forum for discussing some of the contemporary challenges associated with the limited operational stability of hybrid perovskites. These challenges are particularly relevant in hybrid perovskite photovoltaics, stimulating the development of innovative strategies to understand the underlying degradation mechanisms and address them.
This conference opened discussions towards deepening the understanding of the nature of instabilities in hybrid perovskite materials and the corresponding solar cells from the perspetive of structural properties and optoelectronics as well as device operation.
- The origin of hybrid perovskite instabilities
- Molecular strategies to stabilize hybrid perovskites
- Low-dimensional perovskites towards stable perovskite solar cells
- Stability of hybrid perovskite devices under real-world operation conditions
If you have submitted a ePoster, you will have the chance of winning one of our 3 ePoster prizes sponsored by the Royal Society Of Chemistry (RSC)
You could win a RSC voucher for the following categories:
- Best ePoster Presentation - To the best poster image, following the suggested format: clarity of the ePoster for the online conference
Prize: £300 voucher supported by the Nanoscale journal family
- Best ePoster Outline - To the ePoster that presents the most interesting scientific content with the best presentation during the ePoster session
Prize: £200 voucher supported by the journals Energy & Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy & Fuels
- Runner-up for the Best video Presentation - To the runner-up for the best video presentation explaining the ePoster.
Prize: £100 voucher supported by Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Chemistry Frontiers.
And the winners are....
- Best ePoster Presentation - Winner: Dr Marko Jost - Prize: £300 voucher supported by the Nanoscale journal family - will be announced on April 20th
- Best ePoster Outline - Winner: Dr. Tracy Schloemer - Prize: £200 voucher supported by the journals Energy & Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy & Fuels
- Best video presentation - Winner: Mr. Jeffrey DuBose - Prize: £100 voucher supported by Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Materials Chemistry Frontiers.