The Online School on Fundamentals of Semiconductive Quantum Dots (QDsSCHOOL) took place from May 11th to May 13th, 2021.
It was aimed for researchers and students in the quantum dot community, with particular focus on semiconductive quantum dots like III–Vs, II–IVs as well as the more recent perovskites. The school was focus on teaching both the fundamentals to understanding the chemistry and physics of semiconductive quantum dots, as well as focusing on more advanced theories like surface chemistry, single dot optics and computational chemistry. Furthermore, we wanted to give a complete picture, going all the way from theory and synthesis to advanced characterization and devices.
We discussed basic questions like: What is the chemistry behind making quantum dots and how do we control size, shape and composition? How can one derive their quantum confined optical properties? How can the size and shape be characterized and how do we study the surface ligands? How can we study quantum dots at a single dot level, as well as using computational methods to study optical properties and defect chemistry? What devices can be made using these quantum dots, how do you make these, and how are they characterized?
These lectures covered the topics starting from basic principles and finishing with some recent examples. There were ample opportunities for questions and discussions as well.
- Synthesis (Theory, chemistry)
- Optical properties (Theory, DFT calculations)
- Devices (LEDs, Solar cells, lasers)
- Advanced characterization (TEM, NMR, Single dot)
This prize has been supported by Fundació Scito