Publication date: 3rd July 2020
Applications in quantum optics have stringent performance requirements on single-photon sources and detectors, in addition to the need for low-loss passive components. Integrating the building blocks on a chip-based platform can enable scaling up to larger experiments, whilst improving phase stability. A key property of single-photon sources is their radiative lifetime, which can be modified through the high local density of states created by plasmonic antennas.
In recently published work we demonstrate an enhancement of the microsecond lifetime of IR-emitting colloidal PbS/CdS quantum dots (QDs), with a concurrent increase of the count rate. We further show wavelength-resolved measurements of the Purcell enhancement of QDs deterministically positioned in the gap of plasmonic antennas, performed on a single photonic chip. This provides an in-depth analysis of the enhancement and holds promise to wavelength-multiplex multiple single-photon emitters on the same chip. Making use of low-fluorescence silicon nitride with a waveguide loss smaller than 1 dB/cm, we implemented high extinction ratio optical filters and planar concave grating spectrometers. Waveguide-coupled superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs) allowed for highly efficient and low time-jitter single-photon detection. Through a careful analysis of the different contributions to the count rate at the SNSPDs we predict our method to scale down to single QDs. In addition, newly developed emitters can be readily integrated on the chip-based platform. This furthermore enables lifetime-spectroscopy of solution-processed nano-materials at cryogenic temperatures, using a single photonic chip.