Publication date: 15th November 2022
Metal Halide perovskites have received great relevance in recent years thanks to their optoelectronic applications in light-emitting components, solar cells and photodetectors induced by their chemical versatility. Get these features to functional films is one of the current challenges facing the field of perovskites as a result of intrinsic problems of the same such as aggregation of particles, structural defects or instability attributable to atmospheric agents (temperature and moisture). Therefore, the use of strategy based on the application of a host-matrix capable of promoting in-situ crystallization arises as a potential alternative to alleviate aforementioned problems.
This method also allows an exhaustive control of properties such as resulting crystal size or their size distributions, by controlling parameters like a relative humidity or concentration of precursor, all through simple and scalable manufacturing process in a single step.
Here, we present a preparation method previously reported by Jaume et.Al[1] to obtain thin films of mhPVK nanoparticles embedded inside a matrix showing great potential in applications for optoelectronic devices.
In this frame, similar alternatives as host-matrix have continued to be developed, among which the use of Mg(OAc)2 to get organic and inorganic mhPK nanocomposites stands out. This been elaborated by studying variants of APbBr3, specifically CsPbBr3 and MaPbBr3 in similar way to the work mentioned above, reaching PLQY values >90% and allowing the control of the crystallization of the PNCs.
This in-situ mhPNC may form the groundwork for direct bandgap tunability for large area optoelectronic devices with enhanced properties.