Publication date: 20th January 2023
The dynamic response of metal halide perovskite devices shows a variety of physical responses that need to be understood and classified for enhancing the performance and stability and for identifying physical behaviours that may lead to developing new applications. Beyond the well-established characteristics of regular impedance arcs, we address the appearance of inductor effect at high voltage in perovskite solar cell. We present a physical model in terms of delayed recombination current that explains the evolution of impedance spectra and the evolution of current-voltage curves. A multitude of chemical, biological, and material systems present an inductive behavior that is not electromagnetic in origin. Here, it is termed a chemical inductor. We show that the structure of the chemical inductor consists of a two-dimensional system that couples a fast conduction mode and a slowing down element. Therefore, it is generally defined in dynamical terms rather than by a specific physicochemical mechanism. The impedance spectra announce the type of hysteresis, either regular for capacitive response or inverted hysteresis for inductive response. We address the characterization of electron diffusion and radiative emission in halide perovskites using a range of light stimulated techniques as IMPS, IMVS, and voltage controlled light emission technique (LEVS).
We thank MICINN for support by the project EUR2022-134045/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033.