Publication date: 20th January 2023
Perovskite is well known for its composition tunability allowing bandgap optimization according to the application requirements. Composition and cations stoichiometries have an impact on the type and concentration of ionic charge carriers as well as on performance stability under continuous stressing conditions.
First, we will analyze the intrinsic instability of Methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) based films under constant illumination. The analysis shows that the film transmittance increases (“bleaching”) within the first few hours but then saturates. The photoluminescence signal shows an initial increase – linked to the transmission – before it decreases. Interestingly, the speed and amount of the bleaching depend on the hole-transport layer and potential post-treatment steps.
We then proceed with investigations on the characteristics of FA-based perovskite solar cells with non-stochiometric compositions. A FA excess of 1-1.5% leads to improved stabilized device performance and higher ionic conductivity as measured with electrical impedance spectroscopy. According to simulations of IV and impedance data, carried out with the simulation software Setfos, it appears that increased conductivity correlates with an increase in the density of ions rather than mobility.[1]
Finally, we compare the performance under continuous stressing conditions of high bandgap MA- and FA-based PSCs, which are suitable candidates as sub-cells for tandem solar cell technologies. In this study, we tested encapsulated PSCs of various compositions with bandgaps higher than 1.57eV and an efficiency of up to 20%. The stressing experiments were carried out at different temperatures from 25°C up to 85°C, at MPP conditions with equivalent AM1.5G illumination (ISOS-L1 conditions) using the benchtop instrument Litos. Additionally, by performing in-situ JV scans every 60 minutes, we could follow the evolution of the PV parameters in parallel with stressing. The decay of the MPP correlates with the short-circuit current decay, thus indicating the development of charge generation and collection issues with aging. We performed additional characterization techniques before and after the stressing experiments using the Paios measurement platform to gain further insight into the degradation mechanisms.