Towards Vapour Deposited Perovskite Solar Cells
Henry Snaith a, Michael Johnston a, Mingzhen Liu a
a University of Oxford, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks rd, Oxford, 0, United Kingdom
Poster, Mingzhen Liu, 097
Publication date: 1st July 2014

In the past two years, organometal halide perovskites such as CH3NH3PbX3(X = Cl, Br, I) have shown great potential as a photovoltaic material that achieves over 15% solar to electrical power conversion efficiency (PCE) in nanostructured devices or in planar heterojunction structures. The generation of high efficiency perovskite solar cells, by vapour deposition, is likely to greatly shorten the timeline to large-scale manufacturing of the first generation of perovskite solar cells. In this pioneering work, perovskite solar cells synthesized by dual-source evaporation have shown optimal efficiency and uniformity in film formation. After pushing the PCE of vapour-deposited perovskite solar cells to over 15%, we further performed a series of fundamental studies to compare the photophysics and charge mechanism of perovskite film produced between by solution-process and vapour deposition. Our results suggest that the charge mechanism is heavily influenced by the fabrication process, which alters the crystallization and film morphology. Next, we sought to further probe the superiority of vapour deposition as a technique to develop perovskite films by establishing control over the crystallization and morphology of the perovskite film by vapour deposition and studying the outcome. This outcome confers greater reproducibility to device performance and more importantly, establishes the principle that the properties of the perovskite film are sensitive to changes in the fabrication process, which is closely correlated to the resulting film thickness and morphology. 

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