High Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells via Oxide Nanoengineering
Nam-Gyu Park a
a School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Energy Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746
Invited Speaker, Nam-Gyu Park, presentation 092
Publication date: 1st July 2014
Perovskite solar cell based on lead iodide light harvester is an emerging photovoltaic technology due to extremely low cost and superb photovoltaic performance. In this talk, technologies for perovskite solar cells with power conversion efficiency (PCE) approaching 17% are presented. The first version of long-term durable perovskite solar cell was developed by Park’s group in 2012, which demonstrated a PCE of 9.7%. In 2013, PCE of 15% was achieved by Gratzel and Snaith groups. However, the average PCE was as low as 12%. Photovoltaic performance was found to be significantly influenced by perovskite preparation procedure. Two-step coating method was superior to single-step deposition procedure. For the two-step coating case, photovoltaic parameters were dependent on crystal size of methylammonium lead iodide. Single-step deposition showed low PCE of about 8-9%, on the other hands, two-step method exhibited much higher PCE with average value of more than 16% and best value of 17%, along with small standard deviation. Substitution of formamidinium for methylammonium led to lower band gap and higher absorption coefficient, which consequently resulted in PCE of 16% and average PCE of 15.5% with better photostability and no I-V hysteresis.

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