Lithium Photo-extraction using all-solid-state photo-rechargeable battery for photo energy conversion and storage
Masataka Yoshimoto a, Kazuhisa Tamura b, Kenta Watanabe c, Keisuke Shimizu a, Yuhei Horisawa c, Kota Suzuki a, Ryoji Kanno a, Masaaki Hirayama a
a Research Center for All–Solid–State Battery, Institute of Innovation Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology
b Materials Sciences Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
c Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI24)
Devices for a Net Zero World
London, United Kingdom, 2024 July 14th - 19th
Organizers: John Kilner and Stephen Skinner
Poster, Masataka Yoshimoto, 609
Publication date: 10th April 2024

Photo-rechargeable batteries, which can efficiently convert and store solar energy into chemical energy within single devices, are essential to use sunlight effectively. Photo-extraction is the key point for the photo-rechargeable battery[1,2]. Photo-extraction has been attempted using various cations and electrode materials. However, the details of the reaction mechanism have not been understood well. In this study, we tried to analyze photo-extraction using an all-solid-state thin-film battery. We attempted to demonstrate that Li+ was extracted by light using operando synchrotron radiation X-ray diffractometry.

Anatase-type TiO2:Nb(a-TiO2) was selected as the cathode. a-TiO2 is an n-type semiconductor that can progress the photo-extraction of lithium[3]. It is necessary for photo-charge that the irradiating light must reach the electrode. We applied LaSrAlO4(001) as a substrate, whose band gap was wider than that of a-TiO2. a-TiO2:Nb(001)/CaRuO3(001) films were epitaxially stacked on a LaSrAlO4(001) substrate by pulsed laser deposition. Li3PO4 as a solid electrolyte and metallic Li of an anode were additionally stacked on a-TiO2(001)/CaRuO3(001) film by radio frequency magnetron sputtering and vacuum vapor deposition, respectively. In this way, We fabricated an all-solid-state thin-film battery composed of Li/Li3PO4/a-TiO2:Nb/CaRuO3/LaSrAlO4(001).

The charging was conducted under constant-current + constant-voltage + constant-voltage with light irradiation (CC–CV–CVphoto) modes. The light was only applied during CVphoto charging using an LED with a central wavelength of 365 nm as the light source. Light irradiation significantly enhanced the charge capacities when the applied voltage during CVphoto was 3.0 V or higher. The capacities obtained during CVphoto charging closely matched the discharge capacities following CVphoto charging. Moreover, the discharge capacities within the plateau region around 1.75 V were also increased by light irradiation. Therefore, reversible photocharge-discharge was successfully achieved. Additionally, in the discharge curves following CC– CV–CVphoto charging, new discharge capacities were observed between 2.8 V and 1.9 V. Consequently, the charge/discharge behavior appears well-founded.

Lithium extraction was investigated using operando XRD. In these operando XRD measurements, the 004 peak of a-TiO2:Nb was continuously monitored during charge/discharge cycles. Under dark, the 004 peak gradually shifted to a higher L-value with increasing intensity as the charging process advanced. These results indicate that Li+ was indeed extracted from a-LixTiO2:Nb. Upon discharging, the 004 peak reverted to its original L-value and intensity, signifying the reversible lithium extraction in the absence of light. Under light irradiation, the 004 peak similarly shifted to a higher L-value than its pristine state. Furthermore, the full-width half maximum of the peak under light irradiation was narrower than that observed under dark conditions. These findings suggest that a-LixTiO2:Nb at the charged state more closely resembled pure a-TiO2:Nb under light irradiation compared to dark conditions. Consequently, Li+ was observed to extract more significantly from a-LixTiO2:Nb under light irradiation than in the absence of light. After charging under light irradiation, the 004 peak reverted to its pristine state during discharging. This observation indicates that Li+, extracted in response to light, was reversibly inserted back into a-TiO2:Nb. These results indicate that the extracted Li+ under light irradiation can be inserted into a-TiO2:Nb reversibly.

We have successfully demonstrated the processes of lithium photo-extraction using a-TiO2:Nb/ Li3PO4/Li in an all-solid-state thin-film battery and operando XRD. The use of solid electrolytes with a wide potential window is expected to accelerate research on photo-rechargeable batteries.

This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grant Numbers: JP16K05929, JP19H02808, JP19H05785, JP19H05793, JP22J11242 and JP22KJ1299), and JST ACT-X (Grant Number JPMJAX22KK). We thank Dr Tomoyuki Koganezawa at the JASRI for his assistance with operando XRD.

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