A new high-valent Fe redox couple in intercalation electrodes
Edward Mu a, Hari Ramachandran b, Eder Lomeli b, Augustin Braun a, Jue Liu c, Zhelong Jiang b, Kipil Lim b, Grace Busse b, Brian Moritz d, Edward Solomon a, Wanli Yang e, William Gent b, Thomas Devereaux d, William Chueh b
a Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Stanford, 94305, United States
b Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA;, United States
c Oak Ridge National Laboratory
d Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA, USA.
e Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, United States
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI24)
Devices for a Net Zero World
London, United Kingdom, 2024 July 14th - 19th
Organizers: John Kilner and Stephen Skinner
Oral, Edward Mu, presentation 467
Publication date: 10th April 2024

The overwhelming majority of layered oxide cathode materials are based on the redox activity of expensive and scarce transition metals like Co and Ni. While the Fe-redox based material LiFePO4 has become increasingly attractive due to its low cost, its low gravimetric energy density and relatively low operating voltage limit its use cases. A high-voltage Fe-based layered oxide cathode would provide high energy density utilizing the redox-activity of the most abundant transition metal in Earth’s crust, but such a material that provides stable and reversible electrochemical performance remains elusive. Indeed, high-voltage Fe-redox in oxides is plagued by cation disorder and oxygen dimerization, which leads to capacity fading and large voltage hysteresis (> 1 V).[1]

In contrast, the layered oxide cathode Li4FeSbO6 (equivalently, Li[Li1/3Fe1/3Sb1/3]O2, abbreviated LFSO) exhibits <0.2 V of hysteresis, and a discharge plateau at 4.2 V versus Li/Li+ with two-electron capacity.[2] Both the exceptional electrochemical reversibility of this material and its phase separating nature upon (de)intercalation raise questions about the origin of these properties that are unusual for layered Fe oxide cathodes. In this work, we will discuss our efforts to probe the electronic structure of LFSO with Fe L–edge x–ray absorption (XAS) and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, as well as O K–edge resonant inelastic x–ray scattering spectroscopy (RIXS). The combination of these element-specific and valence- state sensitive techniques, in conjunction with charge-transfer multiplet and density functional theory calculations, allows us to reveal the electronic structure changes at Fe and O as a function of state of charge for the first time. Correlating these electronic structure changes with synchrotron diffraction measurements, we reveal a unique redox compensation mechanism that readily rationalizes the exceptional electrochemical reversibility, unlocking a new direction for high-voltage, Fe-based redox systems.

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