Direct air capture via two-electrolyser electrocatalysis coupled with carbonate crystallizer
Dongha Kim a, Shijie Liu a, David Sinton a
a University of Toronto, King's College Road, 10, Toronto, Canada
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI24)
Devices for a Net Zero World
London, United Kingdom, 2024 July 14th - 19th
Organizers: John Kilner and Stephen Skinner
Oral, Dongha Kim, presentation 453
Publication date: 10th April 2024

Direct air capture (DAC) has emerged as a pivotal technology for mitigating global CO2 emissions and achieving NetZero by 2050. Established DAC technologies typically employ alkanolamine or aqueous alkaline absorbents for CO2 capture, yet they incur high capital and operation costs1-3. These methods necessitate thermal cycling for CO2 capture and absorbent regeneration, exacerbating the process's carbon footprint. For example, thermal cycling process for alkaline absorbents alone incurs an energy cost of approximately 8 GJ/tCO21.

The electrochemical DAC (eDAC) system offers a distinct approach to CO2 capture and absorbent regeneration at a lower energy cost. Electrochemical capture methods commonly employ either organic or inorganic capture species4,5. While the inorganic strategy using alkali hydroxide absorbents enables stable atmospheric CO2 capture and release, it often demands a high energy cost (6–10 GJ/tCO2). Conversely, employing organic molecules has shown relatively lower energy consumption for electrochemical CO2 capture and release methods. However, the functional groups of such organic molecules are susceptible to oxidation by atmospheric oxygen (O2), particularly at DAC conditions where the O2 concentration exceeds that of CO2 by 500-fold.

Here, we present a hybrid approach that achieves stable and efficient atmospheric CO2 capture and release using alkali hydroxide absorbents (KOH) and organic redox mediators (Fig. 1, RM). This strategy combines the durability of alkali hydroxide capture absorbents with the fast kinetics of organic redox-active mediators. Employing a two-electrolyser electrocatalysis system, we operate the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in one electrolyser to generate OH- for CO2 capture, and the hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) in another electrolyser to generate H+ for CO2 release. The organic RM is oxidized and reduced at the counter electrode of the HER and HOR, respectively. With this approach, we achieve a minimum work of 0.82 GJ/tCO2, calculated based on the cyclic voltammetry redox potentials, and as low as 3.8 GJ/tCO2 in a practical two-electrolyser configuration with over 200 hours of stable operation.

Additionally, we introduce a new air contactor design that harnesses ambient wind to capture CO2 in the form of solid K2CO3 precipitates using a KOH solution and carbonate crystallizer. We demonstrate high-rate DAC capabilities of our carbonate crystallizer that are pertinent to large-scale industrial deployment, achieved without the need for costly equipment such as fans, packing, pumps, and the associated complex system designs. This approach yields a significant reduction in both capital and operation cost of the eDAC system.

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