On Porous MgO Stabilized Zirconia from Laser Melting of a Preheated Ceramic
Rosa I. Merino a, M. Luisa Sanjuán a, Patricia B. Oliete a, José I. Peña a
a Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, CSIC - Universidad de Zaragoza
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI24)
Devices for a Net Zero World
London, United Kingdom, 2024 July 14th - 19th
Organizers: John Kilner and Stephen Skinner
Poster, Rosa I. Merino, 425
Publication date: 10th April 2024

Dual composites consisting of an oxide conducting ceramic and molten salts have been given attention in recent years as electrolytes in intermediate temperature fuel cells and as highly selective membranes for CO2 separation operating at high temperatures. Their performance, preparation procedures and operating mechanisms have been addressed. [1] Our contribution to the subject has been directed to providing micron sized porosity stabilized zirconia ceramics, with size homogeneity and low tortuosity in the porosity as well as in the ceramic, and using these ceramics to investigate CO2 membrane performance with the aim to investigate the operating mechanisms. [2] These porous ceramics result from the acid etching of MgO out of directionally solidified eutectic MgO- Mg stabilized Zirconia composites, and show high CO2 permeability.

The procedures to fabricate the solidified composite with the desired microstructure have to allow coupled solidification of a eutectic melting at 2100 °C with relatively large solidification gradients. Laser melting is one such procedure which allows both. Usually, only small volumes of material can be molten at a time, resulting in solidified pieces with at least one dimension in the mm range, which result in thin rods, solidified coatings or layer-by-layer manufactured composites. [3].

We report here on the porous MgO stabilized Zirconia plates prepared by laser melting of a preheated ceramic, their structure, microstructure and ion transport characterization. Plates with microstructural size between 0.4 and 4 microns were obtained. The zirconia phase is mainly cubic, with less than around 10 % volume of tetragonal phase and traces of monoclinic phase, consequence of some solid state segregation of phases at the processing temperatures. It shows an ionic conductivity up to one order of magnitude larger than the one of the material solidified by the laser floating zone (LFZ) method, which should be beneficial for the performance of the CO2 separation membrane.

MgO etching in these composites is as effective as in the LFZ produced material, with 23 % weight loss and around 30 % volume porosity. More important, even if the macroscopic alignment of the microstructure is not perfect, corresponding to a position-dependent solidification direction, the ionic conductivity of the molten-carbonate infiltrated plates is similar to that of the molten carbonates above the melting point.

The authors acknowledge financial support through grant PID2021-124863OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and DGA funds to T02_23R research group. The graduate students Pedro A. Alonso and Imanol Bal-Parlangeau are acknowledged for their contribution to some experiments. The Servicio General de Apoyo a la Investigación (U. Zaragoza) is acknowledged for their equipment availability.

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