Quantitative investigation of the interface resistance between sulfide solid electrolyte and positive electrode in all-solid-state Li batteries
Kazunori Nishio a, Daisuke Imazeki a, Kosuke Kurushima b, Yuki Takeda a, Kurei Edamura a, Shigeru Kobayashi c, Ryo Nakayama c, Ryota Shimizu c, Taro Hitosugi c
a School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan.
b Toray Research Center, Shiga 520-8567, Japan.
c Department of Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan.
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI24)
Advanced characterisation techniques: fundamental and devices
London, United Kingdom, 2024 July 14th - 19th
Organizers: John Kilner and Stephen Skinner
Oral, Kazunori Nishio, presentation 176
Publication date: 10th April 2024

All-solid-state Li batteries exhibit significant potential for use as next-generation batteries. Sulfide solid electrolytes possess high Li-ion conductivity, making them suitable for all-solid-state Li batteries with a high-power density. For using the batteries in high-power applications, it is crucial to achieve a low interface resistance between sulfide solid electrolytes and positive electrodes. Thus, elucidating the origin of the interfacial resistance quantitatively to reduce the interface resistance is critical for the practical application of all-solid-state Li batteries.

There are two hypotheses regarding the origin of the interface resistance. First, an interphase layer is formed chemically or electrochemically. [1,2] Second, a space charge layer is formed at the interface. [3] The origin of the reduction in interfacial resistance remains debated despite intensive studies. It is well known that introducing a thin oxide layer, hereafter referred to as a “buffer layer,” reduces the interface resistance. Thus, studies on introducing a buffer layer, such as Li3PO4, LiNbO3, etc. are underway to reduce this interface resistance. However, the mechanism and the role of the buffer layers still remain unclear.

Accordingly, we utilized a thin-film model system with a clean interface, which can facilitate the measurement of the interface resistance and the quantitative analysis of the interface structure. [4,5] We previously developed a controlled interface using an amorphous Li3PO4 oxide solid electrolyte and LiCoO2 epitaxial thin-film positive electrode for quantitative analysis; the atomically well-ordered interface exhibits an extremely low resistance (~10 Ohm cm2). [6,7]

 In this study, we quantitatively investigated the interface between an amorphous Li3PS4 sulfide solid electrolyte and a LiCoO2(001) epitaxial thin-film positive electrode and the effects of a Li3PO4 buffer layer on the interface resistance. When Li3PS4 contacts directly upon LiCoO2(001), the interface resistance exhibits a significantly high value (3.5 x 104 Ohm cm2), resulting in no battery operation. Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) observation and X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) analysis revealed that a chemical reaction layer is formed as S diffuses from Li3PS4 to LiCoO2 before battery operation. In contrast, introducing a Li3PO4 buffer layer with 10 nm thickness reduces the interface resistance dramatically by ~1/2,800, leading to normal battery operation. STEM-EDX revealed that the Li3PO4 buffer layer suppresses the S diffusion from Li3PS4 into LiCoO2. Consequently, an abruptly sharp interface structure remains at Li3PO4 buffer layer-LiCoO2, exhibiting extremely low interface resistance. These results unveiled that the significantly high interface resistance between Li3PS4 and LiCoO2 originates from the formation of the chemical reaction layer, and the Li3PO4 buffer layer suppresses the S diffusion causing a chemical reaction. [8] This study paves the way for the strategically designed interfacial modification using the buffer layer between sulfide solid electrolytes and positive electrodes.

This research was supported by JST-CREST (Grant JPMJCR1523) and Toyota Motor Corporation. K. N. acknowledges the financial support from JSPS Kakenhi (Grants 17H06674, 18K14314, and 21K05256). T.H. acknowledges the financial support from JSPS Kakenhi (Grant 18H03876).

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