What can In-situ XPS Tell us About Reaction Mechanisms on Solid Oxide Cell Electrodes?
Andreas Nenning a, Alexander Opitz a, Matthäus Siebenhofer b, Christoph Riedl a, Raffael Rameshan c, Christoph Rameshan c, Jürgen Fleig a
a TU Wien, Getreidemarkt 9/BC/02, 1060, Wien
b Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Vassar Street, 32, Cambridge, United States
c Chair of Physical Chemistry, Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Franz-Josef-Strasse 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI24)
Advanced characterisation techniques: fundamental and devices
London, United Kingdom, 2024 July 14th - 19th
Organizers: John Kilner and Stephen Skinner
Oral, Andreas Nenning, presentation 168
Publication date: 10th April 2024

Although solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells are already commercially available, the exact surface chemistry and reaction mechanisms for oxygen exchange at the air and fuel side are still only partly understood. It was realised that slight alterations of the surface chemistry during operation can have substantial impact on the electrochemical activity, which explains the tremendous scatter in the measured electrochemical activity of a given material1. In-situ ambient pressure XPS measurements on electrochemical model cells reveal the surface chemistry during electrochemical operation and its changes with time2, atmosphere and electrochemical polarisation3–5 and provide a direct link between surface chemical state and electrochemical activity. This talk presents a survey of own experiments that show the complex interplay of operation conditions, surface chemistry and electro-catalytic activity in oxygen and fuel atmospheres.

Specifically, this talk will present advanced designs for two and three electrode model cells6 that are optimised for in-situ characterisation in ambient pressure XPS as well as UHV7 and corresponding results. In oxidising conditions, primarily degrading factors were observed. Interestingly, the primary source of the fast initial degradation is not A-site cation segregation per se, but the formation of a SO42- adsorbate layer from sulphur trace impurities on various different materials1. In reducing conditions, mixed oxidation states of Fe2+/Fe3+ in Fe containing perovskites and Ce3+/Ce4+ in doped ceria4 are observable, and most likely the mediators for charge transfer to hydroxide4 or carbonate3,8 reaction intermediates in the rate determining step. Interestingly, only ceria exhibits a strongly enhanced Ce3+ fraction at the surface, whereas the Fe2+ on perovskite-type SrTi0.6Fe0.4O3-δ and La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ is not enriched at the surface. Lastly, cathodic polarisation in a reducing atmosphere can trigger the exsolution of catalytically active Fe0 metal particles9–11, on which the H2 release rate can be greatly enhanced, compared to the bare perovskite.

We want to thank the Christoph Rameshan, and his ERC Project "TUCAS" for the great collaboration and the granting of extensive APXPS measurement time.

Also we want to thank the FWF, projects W1243 and P35686-N for finantial support.

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