The Influence of A-site Deficiency on the Functionality of Niobate-based Perovskites and Tungsten Tetragonal Bronzes.
Derek C Sinclair a, James H Killeen a, Sadi Ege Parim a, Thomas E Hooper a, Erin Carroll a, Julian S Dean a
a Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI24)
Fundamentals: Experiment and simulation
London, United Kingdom, 2024 July 14th - 19th
Organizers: John Kilner and Stephen Skinner
Keynote, Derek C Sinclair, presentation 093
Publication date: 10th April 2024

There is continued interest in Niobate-based oxides for a variety of energy-related applications, from mixed conducting electrode materials for Li+/Na+ batteries to high energy density dielectrics for pulse power electronic applications. Here we report on the influence of A-site vacancies on the structural stability and electrical functionality of (i) NaNbO3 perovskite and (ii) Sr2NaNb5O15 tetragonal tungsten bronze.

(i) Partial replacement of Na+ by Bi3+ with the creation of A-site vacancies in NaNbO3 produces a solid solution based on Na1-3xBixNbO3 which induces intrinsic clustering of lattice distortions that leads to displacive order–disorder behaviour with increasing x [1]. This remarkable solid solution initially exhibits interesting polar dielectric phenomena such as anti-ferroelectricity (x = 0.00) and relaxor ferroelectricity (x = 0.10) before undergoing an order-disorder transition that promotes co-existence of weakly coupled relaxor ferroelectricity and Na+ ion conduction (x = 0.20).  We now compare and contrast this range of functionality with that based on a range of A-site Rare Earth (RE3+ = La-Nd) and Alkaline Earth (AE2+ = Ca,Sr) dopants based on the mechanisms, Na1-3xRExNbO3 and Na1-2xAExNbO3, respectively. This allows a ‘holistic’ view of the electrical properties of A-site deficient NaNbO3 to be presented.

(ii) Sr2NaNb5O15 (SNN) has been reported as a novel high-temperature dielectric material [2]; however, there are questions about its thermodynamic stability and the influence of A-site vacancies based on the existence and thermal heat treatment of the solid solution Sr2+xNa1-2xNb5O15 with 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.20. Here we present results on the thermal stability and dielectric properties of a solid solution based on x = 0.20 and designed as Sr2.2Na0.6+yNb5-yTiyO15 with 0 ≤ y ≤ 0.20 to systematically vary the A-site vacancy concentration from ~ 6.66 to 0%. The results show the thermodynamic stability is linked to the concentration of A-site vacancies and that the lower permittivity maximum at ~ -70 oC for x = 0.20 is invariant with the level of A-site vacancies; however, the magnitude and temperature of the ferro- to para-electric transition at ~ 230 oC for x = 0.20 show substantial variations. These results are discussed in a wider context on how to control the thermodynamic stability and temperature coefficient of capacitance in SNN-based dielectrics.

DCS and TEH thank the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for financial support  (EP/V05337X/1). JHK, SEP, EC thank the EPSRC-KAVX Ltd for an ICASE studentship, The Turkish Ministry of National Education for a scholarship and The University of Sheffield (Engineering) for a Faculty  scholarship, respectively.  

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