Operando XPS studies of electrodes and electrolyte/electrode interfaces of solid oxide electrochemical cells
Savita Chaoudhary a, Pengcheng Hu a, Binxiang Huang a, Kim Alexander Creutz a, Yue Liu a, Gero Pickel a, Vinit Agarwalla a, Alexander Frebel a, Andreas Klein a
a Institute of Material Science, TU Darmstadt, 64287 Darmstadt (Germany)
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI24)
Advanced characterisation techniques: fundamental and devices
London, United Kingdom, 2024 July 14th - 19th
Organizers: John Kilner and Stephen Skinner
Oral, Savita Chaoudhary, presentation 064
Publication date: 10th April 2024

The change of the oxygen content in a material using an electrochemical cell is an important asset to understand the variation of the Fermi energy in materials, paving the way for Fermi level engineering as a versatile toolkit for designing a broad range of materials according to specific applications. The electrochemical cell is constructed by top and bottom electrodes deposited on an oxygen ion conducting electrolyte. The reduction or increase of the oxygen content in the electrodes by cathodic or anodic polarization, is accompanied by an increase or lowering of the Fermi energy, respectively. The latter can be monitored together with chemical changes of the sample if the electrochemical cell is operated in an X-ray photoelectron spectrometer. We will present experiments using Y-stabilized zirconia, Fe-doped SrTiO3, or (anti-)ferroelectric perovskites as electrolytes, and (Sn-doped) In2O3, SrFeO3-δ and Sr-doped LaCoO3-δ as electrode materials. The use of the setup to quantify the Fermi energies of charge transition levels in either the electrolyte or the electrode will be demonstrated.

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