Engineering high-performance heterostructured electrodes for boosting the performance of SOFCs
Michał Gogacz a, Kun Zheng a b, Jie Luo c, Jakub Lach a, Yihan Ling d
a AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Energy and Fuels, Department of Hydrogen Energy, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
b AGH University of Krakow, AGH Centre of Energy, ul. Czarnowiejska 36, 30-054 Krakow, Poland
c School of Materials Science and Hydrogen Energy, Foshan University, Foshan 528000, China
d School of Materials Science and Physics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, 221116, PR China
Proceedings of 24th International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI24)
Emerging Materials for High-Performance Devices
London, United Kingdom, 2024 July 14th - 19th
Organizers: John Kilner and Stephen Skinner
Oral, Michał Gogacz, presentation 053
Publication date: 10th April 2024

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are a promising energy conversion and storage technology that can be one of the crucial elements of sustainable development policy, significantly contributing to the increasing share of clean energy. During the oversupply of energy from renewable sources, hydrogen (fuel) can be produced in the electrolysis mode of SOFCs, which could be later consumed to produce electricity and heat as needed in fuel cell mode. Typically, the operating temperature of SOFCs is higher than 800 °C and this raises issues primarily with thermal compatibility and material degradation, which significantly affects costs and makes SOFCs uneconomical. At the desired operating temperature below 600 °C, most electrode materials lose their excellent electrochemical properties and the performance of SOFCs decreases radically. Therefore, the fabrication of new highly-efficient electrodes operating at lower temperatures is essential for the development of economical and high-performance SOFCs. Recently, heterostructured electrode materials obtained by various techniques, including mechanically milling, infiltration, in situ assembling and in situ exsolution of nanoparticles, have become increasingly popular for the development of highly-efficient electrodes. The undoubted advantage of fabricating heterostructured electrodes includes the high mixed ionic-electronic conductivity (MIEC) and enhanced catalytic activities [1-3].

In this work, new high-performance heterostructured electrodes consisting of double perovskite GdBa0.5Sr0.5CoCuO5+δ (GBSCC) and Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (GDC) were fabricated by different strategies, including: mechanical milling, one-pot synthesis, self-assembling nanofibrous electrodes by electrospinning. The synergistic effect of engineering heterostructured electrodes with different content ratios of GBSCC and GDC was systematically investigated. It was found that the self-assembling nanofibrous heterostructured electrodes present the most excellent electrochemical performance (0.05 Ω cm2 at 700 °C), and a stable performance was recorded for  more than 500 hours. The cathode polarization and oxygen transport mechanism of heterostructured electrodes were investigated in the function of oxygen partial pressure and by the distribution of relaxation times (DRT) method. High-performance SOFCs were constructed with the 70%GBSCC+30%GDC heterostructured electrode, showing an excellent power output of 1023 mWcm-2 at 725 °C. In addition, heterostructured electrodes via the formation of A-site diffident LaxSr2-xFe1.4Ti0.2M0.2Ni0.1Co0.1O6-δ (La = Sm, Pr; M = Mo, W, Cr, Mn) perovskites with in situ exsolved nanoparticles were designed. The in situ exsolution of nanoparticles on the surface of nanofibrous electrode was investigated for boosting the performance of SOFCs. 

The work is funded by the National Science Centre Poland (NCN) based on the decision number UMO-2021/43/D/ST5/00824. Kun Zheng acknowledges the financial support of research project supported by the program „Excellence Initiative – Research University” for the AGH University of Krakow.

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