Publication date: 25th September 2020
We utilize the excellent carrier-transport properties of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic perovskites (HOIP) to study spatially dependent photo-signal characteristices in a lateral multi-electrode device. Charge transfer dynamics across the metal-HOIP interface was employed to generate light-induced lateral-photovoltage. As a result, we demonstrate excitation-position dependent photo-signal, which are spatially symmetric across the active area of the device. The underlying transport mechanism was understood with the help of impedance spectroscopy measurements. These studies were correlated with spatially mapped transient photocurrent measurements, which reveal excitation-position dependent response-time in the range of ~ 1 µs. The equivalent circuit representation showed distinct resistive and capacitive characteristics upon varying the excitation parameters. Our analysis reveals that the carrier transport in the bulk of the perovskite is dominantly resistive in nature, while the capacitive component which is attributed to carrier trapping, does not significantly influence the device operation.
We thank Kelly Schutt, Dr. Pabitra Nayak and Prof. Henry Snaith, Oxford University for providing the perovskite film samples. We acknowledge EPSRC grant SUNRISE and Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India for the research support.