Publication date: 11th July 2022
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) comprise an emerging class of materials based on the atomically precise organization of organic subunits into two- (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) porous crystalline structures connected by strong covalent bonds with predictable control over composition and topology.[1]
In our research group we are dealing with the synthesis of COFs based on imine[2] and/or imide linkages[3] by using both de novo synthesis and post-synthetic approaches.[4-9] We have addressed the issue of the processability of COFs to get suitable material dispersions. For this purpose, liquid phase exfoliation (LPE) assisted by sonication and chemical exfoliation (CE) have shown to be easy and scalable methods to disrupt the non-covalent interactions between COF layers and produce COF nanosheets (CONs) suitable to be processable for different applications.We are especially interested in the development of photo and electroactive COFs for applications related with energy. In this communication we will comment on our previous results on 2D-COFs for charge storage and catalysis and we will highlight our recent results on the development of COFs organic cathode materials with multiple redox sites (Figure) as efficient electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR).[10-14]
Important benefits of these new COFs are that they are not only metal free, but also no additional
pyrolysis process has to be applied before its use. Instead, the electrocatalytic activity is a consequence of the specific electroactive
moieties selected for the design of the new COF electrocatalysts.
Financial support by MICINN ( PID2019-106268GB-C33) and the UCM (INV.GR.00.1819.10759) is acknowledged
MMF and FSB acknowledge respectively Comunidad de Madrid and URJC for predoctoral contracts