Publication date: 9th January 2023
The human brain is one of the most complex and efficient systems found in nature. Information is transmitted through synapses, where an electrical potential is propagated through chemical bonds between neurotransmitters and receptors. In addition, the availability of neurotransmitter can modulate the electrochemical transmission of information, by potentiating or inhibiting the communication among neurons. Such ability, defined as neural plasticity, is at the base of the learning capability of the brain. [1] Nowdays, brain computer interfaces can offer a possibility for the treatment of neurological deseases, such as deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease patients[2]. The main limitation of existing platforms is that they act like “passive” devices: they are able to monitor or stimulate cells activity, but without local feedback.
Neuromorphic devices could allow to overcome this limitations by taking inspiration from the parallel computing paradigm of the brain. Here, organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) based on PEDOT:PSS are used for their ionic-to-electronic signal transduction and biocompatibility [3]. A feedback-loop control is introduced to bidirectionally modulate the organic semiconductor: the use of hydrogen peroxide allows the partial recovery of the doping level of PEDOT:PSS after its conditioning due to neurotransmitter oxidation, shown in the biohybrid synapse[4]. The computational capabilities of the closed-loop system have been demonstrated in an organic circuit, in which the artificial ‘synaptic weights’, depending on the PEDOT:PSS conductances have been controlled to induce a change in the electrical dynamics of the circuit. Furthermore, the motors of a robotic hand have been connedcted through the same neurotransmitter-mediated OECT to control the opening/closing of the hand. In future, this closed-loop system can be used to restore synaptic comunication by performing local adaptive computing.
Francesca Santoro and Daniela Rana acknowledge the support of the European research Council starting Grant BRAIN-ACT No. 949478.