Proceedings of nanoGe Spring Meeting 2022 (NSM22)
Publication date: 7th February 2022
Light-matter interaction pervades our everyday life and typically involves the exchange of energy between electromagnetic (EM) field and quantum states of matter. When the interaction strength is high enough to promote an exchange rate of energy faster than any other competing relaxation process, the overall light-matter system undergoes a drastic change in its pristine properties. This results into the formation of new hybrid states within the so called “strong coupling” (SC) regime [1].
In this view, hybrid systems composed by optical nanocavities and quantum dots (QDs) represents a key approach to acquire/induce new and distinctive physico-chemical properties with significant implications in fields ranging from cavity quantum electrodynamics and condensed matter physics to polariton chemistry [2], [3].
Here, we report on the SC interaction between surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and excitons in CdSe QDs, investigated by steady-state spectroscopic method and transient absorption measurements [4], [5], [6].
In particular the dispersion of the exciton–plasmon hybrid states revealed the typical signature of SC, i.e. anticrossing behavior. Concurrently, the presence of two distinctive bleaching signals appeared in the transient absorption spectra, whose relaxation dynamics underlined a decay of the hybrid states only slightly slower than the lifetime of bare CdSe nanoparticles, and much longer than the SPP damping time.
In addition to the exciton-plasmon coupling the very same hybrid platform was used to impart control over the vibrational energy landscape of semiconductor QDs. Specifically, we demonstrated phonon mode hybridization both in THz and Raman spectroscopies, thus confirming the possibility of altering the intrinsic phonon response of a nanomaterial using properly tailored optical nanoresonators [7].
The author acknowledges the support of European Union’s Horizon 2020 European Research Council, under grant agreement no. 101002422 (REPLY).