Proceedings of nanoGe Spring Meeting 2022 (NSM22)
Publication date: 7th February 2022
Conjugated mixed conductors have attracted much attention lately as soft materials with applications in bioelectronics, energy storage and brain-like computing. In addition to the well-known PEDOT:PSS blend, new families of polymers with glycolated side-chains have been recently developed with promising performance. Interestingly, details of how charge transport occurs and how it’s related to ionic transport are still not well understood in both PEDOT:PSS blends and newer materials. This lack of understanding hinders the rational design of the next generation of high-performance materials. In this talk I will show the result of experiments that suggest that while its role in ion transport is well understood, the insulating PSS phase also plays an unexpected role in electronic transport in PEDOT:PSS blends, suggesting new design rules to control electronic transport in these materials. Furthermore, I will show how the microstructure of glycolated polymers must show a balance between aggregates and disordered regions in order to ensure optimal electrochemical performance. Finally, I will show how understanding these materials properties is instrumental in understanding how they operate and the limits of their performance.