Solution-Processed CuI as Hole Transport Layer for Improved Efficiency and Stability of Sn-Pb Perovskite Solar Cells
Riccardo Pau a b, Matteo Pitaro b, Lorenzo Di Mario b, Qianshan Feng b, Michele Saba a, Maria Antonietta Loi b
a Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Cagliari - Cittadella Universitaria SP Monserrato-Sestu km 0.700, 09042 (CA) Italy
b Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands.
Proceedings of International Conference on Perovskite Thin Film Photovoltaics and Perovskite Photonics and Optoelectronics (NIPHO24)
Sardinia, Italy, 2024 June 17th - 18th
Organizers: Giulia Grancini, Francesca Brunetti and Maria Antonietta Loi
Poster, Riccardo Pau, 028
Publication date: 25th April 2024

Over recent years, the remarkable advancement in power conversion efficiency using metal halide perovskites (MHP) as the active material in single junction solar cells has been accompanied by a growing apprehension regarding their environmental repercussions. This concern primarily arises from the significant presence of water-soluble, toxic lead in the active material. To confront this challenge, tin (Sn)-based and mixed tin-lead (Sn-Pb) perovskites are emerging as promising substitutes for the extensively researched lead (Pb)-based perovskites, and due to their smaller bandgap, these materials can be implemented as narrow energy gap material in all-perovskite tandem with an efficiency expected to overcome 30%.
However, this thriving solution presents new obstacles to surmount, such as the introduction of intrinsic Sn-defects and the Sn(II) oxidation to Sn(IV), both of which contribute to the ongoing challenge of achieving photovoltaic performance levels that still remain considerably inferior of those exhibited by lead-based counterparts. In this framework, the best Sn-Pb based devices are fabricated in the inverted planar configuration with PEDOT:PSS (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate) as the most widely used hole transport layer. However, the acidic and hygroscopic nature of this polymer can cause degradation and reduce the device stability over time. Despite the limited number of materials with high optical transmittance and electrical conductivity suitable for perovskite-based devices, in the last years new HTLs gathered substantial attention, such as SAMs (self-assembled monolayers) and the low-cost solution-processed copper iodide (CuI).
Here we present the application of an undoped CuI as hole transport layer deposited from solution for the fabrication of methylammonium (MA)-free half Sn-half Pb perovskite solar cells with power conversion efficiency of over 20% and enhanced stability.

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