Publication date: 13th September 2021
Large-scale neural interfacing is needed to provide better understanding of the brain at the cellular level and to develop more advanced prosthetic devices and brain-machine interfaces. Conventional neuroscience tools do not provide yet the level of density and functionality required to achieve such large-scale electrophysiology. This is because interfacing with biological tissues poses many challenges such as biocompatibility, the size scale of cellular features, the stability and longevity of the materials in a moist environment at body temperature, and the tiny amplitudes of neural signals. This talk will discuss the design and fabrication of CMOS-based neural probes, which integrate high-density micro-electrode arrays and high channel counts to enable large-scale neural recording in small animals.
The content of this talk is the result of the hard work of many imec colleagues, and the author thanks them for their invaluable contribution. The author specially thanks the core Neuropixels development team: A. Andrei, R. Van Hoof, M. Welkenhuysen, J. Putzeys and B. Dutta for making these projects a success.