Proceedings of Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MAT-SUS) (NFM22)
Publication date: 11th July 2022
The dynamic response of metal halide perovskite devices shows a variety of physical responses that need to be understood and classified for enhancing the performance and stability and for identifying physical behaviours that may lead to developing new applications. Beyond the well-established characteristics of regular impedance arcs, we address the appearance of inductor effect at high voltage in perovskite solar cell. We present a physical model in terms of delayed recombination current that explains the evolution of impedance spectra and the evolution of current-voltage curves. A multitude of chemical, biological, and material systems present an inductive behavior that is not electromagnetic in origin. Here, it is termed a chemical inductor. We show that the structure of the chemical inductor consists of a two-dimensional system that couples a fast conduction mode and a slowing down element. Therefore, it is generally defined in dynamical terms rather than by a specific physicochemical mechanism. The impedance spectra announce the type of hysteresis, either regular for capacitive response or inverted hysteresis for inductive response. We apply the dynamic picture based on a few neuron-like equations to the characterization of halide perovskite memristors. It has a resistance that depends on the history of the system, and the states can be switched by applied voltage. Memristors show an intense hysteresis that can be characterized in terms of the emergence of inductive components.1-5
(1) Bisquert, J.; Guerrero, A. Dynamic Instability and Time Domain Response of a Model Halide Perovskite Memristor for Artificial Neurons, Jounal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2022, 13, 3789-3795.
(2) Bisquert, J.; Guerrero, A. Chemical Inductor, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 10.1021/jacs.1022c00777.
(3) Berruet, M.; Pérez-Martínez, J. C.; Romero, B.; Gonzales, C.; Al-Mayouf, A. M.; Guerrero, A.; Bisquert, J. Physical model for the current-voltage hysteresis and impedance of halide perovskite memristors, ACS Energy Lett. 2022, 7, 1214–1222.
(4) Bisquert, J.; Guerrero, A.; Gonzales, C. Theory of Hysteresis in Halide Perovskites by Integration of the Equivalent Circuit, ACS Phys. Chem Au 2021, 1, 25-44.
(5) Guerrero, A.; Bisquert, J.; Garcia-Belmonte, G. Impedance spectroscopy of metal halide perovskite solar cells from the perspective of equivalent circuits, Chemical Reviews 2021, 121, 14430–14484.