Proceedings of Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MAT-SUS) (NFM22)
Publication date: 11th July 2022
Traditionally defects have been considered detrimental for the performance of photoactive devices. For example, in photocatalysts point defects introduce trap states that act as recombination centres lowering quantum yields. However, recent advances in spectroscopy, microscopy and modelling, have opened the door to ground-breaking studies which are challenging our views of disorder. New evidence suggests that defects could play a much more active role than anticipated by controlling parameters as important as the reaction selectivity. The role of disorder is particularly critical in photocatalysis where the act of photoexcitation can, in itself, generate dynamical defects in the active phase. In this talk I will discuss the many different shapes and forms in which disorder can emerge in photo-electrocatalysis. In particular, I will focus on the formation of electronic defects and structural reconstructions during catalytic operation. I will present examples of how disorder-associated phenomena can be monitored in situ and operando and how it can be correlated with catalytic function. Moreover, by drawing parallelisms with the biological world I will discuss if disorder is unavoidable to achieve high performance. Finally, I will contrast the role of disorder in photocatalysis with observations made in other photoactive materials in order to highlight potential routes to use disorder in our favor.