Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting 2021 (NFM21)
Publication date: 23rd September 2021
Light-matter interaction between a molecular transition and a confined electromagnetic field of an absorber inside a resonator can modify the optical and electrical properties of molecules, which is relevant to improve solar devices.[1] When strong coupling regime is reached, two new hybrid states separated in energy, so-called polaritonic states, are formed instead of independent eigenstates, with the energy separation between them being proportional to the coupling strength, which is known as Rabi splitting. This modification of the energy spectra of the system, which have been already demonstrated in many configurations, offers new possibilities for controlled impact on various fundamental properties of coupled matter (rate of chemical reactions, conductivity of organic semiconductors).[2]
Recently, Subphthalocyanines (SubPcs)-based molecules have been integrated in a polaritonic organic solar cell that behaves as an optical resonator in order to modify device’s absorption onset and tune optoelectronic properties of the devices.[3] Therefore, understanding how the different electronic transitions of an absorber can couple to the resonant modes of a solar polaritonic device is an important issue that deserves to be addressed.
In view of this, we investigate how two electronically different transitions, namely charge transfer (CT)-band and excitonic Q-band, of a subphthalocyanine derivative (F12-SubPc-TCBD-aniline) within an optical cavity, respond to variations in the resonant modes of such cavity. By coupling the cavity resonance with one of the two electronic transitions we observe different coupling regimes, which give rise to very different spectral and directional light harvesting features. Also, by modelling the system under analysis, we can discriminate the productive absorption occurring in the SubPc layer from the parasitic one due to the presence of metallic films in the structure, which allow us to estimate the potential optical losses that may occur in a light harvesting device devised as an optical resonator. [4]