Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting 2021 (NFM21)
Publication date: 23rd September 2021
The record efficiencies for organic solar cells were increased strongly over the past few years due to significant advances in organic semiconductor materials, especially the replacement of fullerenes with mostly linear molecular acceptor materials, known as Non-Fullerene Acceptors. The improvements stem from broadening the absorption spectrum by strong and complementary absorption of donor and acceptor and simultaneously reducing the voltage loss due to charge carrier transfer between donor and acceptor significantly. Using the material combination D18:Y6, an independently confirmed efficiency of >18% was achieved [1]. After the materials were made available by several companies, we achieved the certified world record on 1cm² using this material at 15.24% efficiency [2, 3]. Recently we also fabricated a minimodule with laser ablation for the patterning, achieving 13.94% certified efficiency, which is as well slightly higher than the value of 13.6% which had set very recently the new record in the last version of the efficiency tables [4]. We will report on how this record was achieved and further optimization potential. These record values are important to highlight the potential of the OPV technology and closing in towards 20% efficiency will undoubtedly justify further and intensified work. Besides this, we as well develop device stacks and module concepts which aim at low-cost, high-volume production of efficient and longterm-stable OPV using roll-to-roll coating and printing. We will report on our ITO-free approach based on a metallized barrier substrate, where we achieved efficiencies up to 12% using PM6:DT-Y6 from non-chlorinated solvents on lab scale devices and up to 6.2% efficiency for fully R2R coated and printed ITO-free OPV-modules with an area of nearly 800cm².
The authors acknowledge the funding from the German Federal Ministry
for Economic Affairs and Energy (FKz. 0324214 - H2OPV)