Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting 2021 (NFM21)
Publication date: 23rd September 2021
With the increased attention to alternative energy sources in the last decades, there has been a renewed interest in developing thermoelectric materials and devices. In this regard, organic semiconductors (OS) have emerged as a suitable alternative for low-power/low-cost thermoelectric devices. OS can be processed at room temperature using large-area printing techniques. They are potentially biocompatible and have intrinsically low thermal conductivity. Combined with the high abundance of their atomic elements, these features make them the ideal candidates for low-power electronic applications, such as wearable electronics, smart sensors, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Most of the printing technologies developed to date are suitable for thin-film patterning, which is not ideal for thermoelectric generators (TEGs), where the active material thickness should exceed at least 100 µm to sustain a temperature gradient properly. New geometries have been employed to solve this issue, exploiting flexible substrates to switch from a 2D to a 3D configuration through the folding of the flexible support. However, such devices still suffer from intrinsic limitations in the thermocouples density, and the addition of folding steps increases the chance of device failures due to the risks of open/short circuit in the generator. Here, we show the possibility of using 3D printing, a digital direct writing technique, to fabricate TEG with a vertical structure easily. The device, printed on top of a 2-µm-thick free-standing parylene substrate, is fully organic. The p-type and n-type legs are developed by printing PEDOT:PSS and BBL:PEI formulations, respectively. Finally, both the TEG scaffold and capping are realized using a 3D printable PDMS ink. Here we present the first 3D printed all-organic TEG, consisting of 8 thermocouples and capable of delivering 50 nW with a temperature gradient between its edges below 15 K.