Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting19 (NFM19)
Publication date: 18th July 2019
Associated with the growth of the internet of things (IoT) the number of intelligent devices such as sensors, actuators or radio transmitters will raise strongly. Besides laying cables their electrical supply could be ensured by batteries, an inexpensive product but with accompanied expensive maintenance when the lifetime of the device exceeds the one of the battery, or energy harvesting, where organic photovoltaic (OPV) is promising due to the widely available artificial light in industrial indoor environments. These indoor spectra are tailored to the visible range of light and match rather ideally the bandgap of the absorber materials in organic solar cells (OSC).
The optimal bandgap under illumination with a typical white LED is about 1.8 eV, significantly higher than the one of crystalline silicon (Si). The indoor spectrum lacks the infrared and the ultraviolet contribution and enables a theoretical maximum power conversion efficiency of more than 50 %, where 28 % have already been reported in literature [1]. Furthermore the indoor illumination intensities are way lower (typically between 200 and 500 lux) compared to the solar spectrum. At these low intensities the disadvantage of poor charge carrier transport properties of OSC become negligible. Our drift-diffusion simulations show that controlling and maintaining the parallel resistance (Rp) as high as possible is crucial while the serial resistance (Rs) is less critical.
The Rp is affected in different ways, e.g. by substrate cleaning procedures, film deposition techniques , film thickness and quality and electrode interlayers [2]. Consequently a better understanding of how the Rp can be engineered has to be developed through advanced characterization techniques and numerical simulations in order to obtain highly efficient OPV devices under low light intensities. Commonly the inverse slope of the dark current at 0V is used as a measure for Rp. We present and compare two additional pathways to extract the Rp, namely (light) intensity dependent open-circuit voltage (Voc) measurements and transient Voc decay analysis. Finally these findings have to be transferred from small glass-based cells towards larger modules on flexible substrates to enable more versatility in the design and shape of the energy harvesters.