Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting19 (NFM19)
Publication date: 18th July 2019
Organic solar cells have recently reached power conversion efficiencies of over 16%, highlighting the stability as their last remaining weak point. Their organic nature makes them strongly influenced by stresses such as oxygen, light, heat and humidity, which can be commonly found in their working environment. Incorporation of stabilizing additives (antioxidants, radical scavengers [1], hydroperoxide decomposers [2], UV absorbers [3]) in active layers of organic solar cells is an attractive approach for inhibiting degradation as it is both inexpensive and easily upscalable, and it does not introduce further complexity into the device architecture. Here we present our recent results on long-term stability improvement by biomimetic singlet oxygen quenching compounds. Microscopic and spectroscopic characterization was used to monitor chemical degradation over time, which is discussed in terms of concentrations of radicals and singlet oxygen over the course of degradation. The reported results and methods indicate a desirable route for mitigating degradation in organic solar cells.
V.T. acknowledges support from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for project Stabil-O (grant No. 4181-00519B).
V.T., M.P., H.-G.R., M.M., P.R.O., and M.B. acknowledge support from the Villum Fondation for project CompliantPV (grant no. 13365).
V.T., M.P., H.-G.R., M.M., P.A.T., L.I., F.O., D.V. and J.V.G. acknowledge support from EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 for MNPS COST ACTION MP1307 StableNextSol.
S.E. acknowledges support from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology under the financial assistance award 70NANB17H305.
L.I., F.O. and P.A.T. acknowledge support from the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 18-13-00205).