Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting19 (NFM19)
Publication date: 18th July 2019
The material class of mixed-halide organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites exhibits a tunable bandgap (EG) from 1.5 - 3.1 eV, simply by adjusting the ratio of the halide precursors. This characteristic makes these materials excellent candidates for low-cost multi-junction photovoltaics. In particular, wide-bandgap perovskites (WBP) with an EG ~ 1.7 eV are attractive top-cell materials to improve the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of single-junction silicon or CIGS solar cells in a two-terminal or four-terminal (4T) tandem configuration.
Recently, we developed a 2D/3D perovskite heterostructure by spin-coating n-butylammonium bromide (BABr) on top of a 3D double-cation WBP (EG ~ 1.72 eV) absorber (FA0.83Cs0.17Pb(I0.6Br0.4)3), resulting in a record open-circuit voltage of up to 1.31 V and a stable output power of up to 19.4% [1]. In this contribution, we show that double-cation perovskite solar cells employing various ratios of halide precursors (FA0.83Cs0.17Pb(IxBr1-x)3; 0.45 < x < 0.75) with 2D/3D heterostructure yield enhanced open-circuit voltages and PCEs over a wide range of bandgaps (1.63 – 1.83 eV) compared to reference devices without the heterostructure. The stable performance of devices and high reproducibility of the passivation approach is verified. We will also show our latest developments of the 4T tandem solar cells using such semitransparent perovskite solar cells with engineered bandgap, leading to PCEs > 26%. Possible strategies to further increase the tandem solar cell performance towards a PCE > 30% will be discussed.