Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting19 (NFM19)
Publication date: 18th July 2019
We demonstrate a novel emission fine structure of the low temperature emission in II-VI nanoplatelets depending on the lateral size. Nanoplatelets are in an intermediate confinement regime with a rich substructure of excitons, which is neither quantum dot like nor like an ideal 2D exciton. We discuss the observed transition energies and relaxation dynamics of exciton states in CdSe platelets with varying lateral dimensions and compare them with a microscopic theoretical model including exciton-phonon scattering. The interplay of (lateral) confinement and Coulomb coupling in the intermediate regime results in strong changes with respect to simple weak or strong confinement models which are recovered by solving the full four dimensional lateral factorization free exciton wavefunction. A rich substructure of several exciton states is observed. We also demonstrate that the interplay of exciton bright and dark states provides principle insights into the overall temporal relaxation dynamics. Not only the linear properties of nanoplatelets are interesting, but also their nonlinear properties. In a second part we study the origin of the extremely high two photon absorption cross sections and their puzzling quadratic volume scaling. We show that excitonic correlation, wavefunction coherence and the related scaling of inter- and intraband transition dipole moments result in the observed quadratic volume dependence. Our results open up the possibility to engineer two photon absorbers with unprecedented cross sections and nonlinear optical applications at lowered intensities, like high sensitivity two photon autocorrelation.