Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting19 (NFM19)
Publication date: 18th July 2019
Solution-processed semiconductors, perovskite bulk materials and inorganic quantum dots, are the most competitive materials for the future photovoltaics. Their outstanding properties in terms of photoconversion efficiency (PCE) led to a big progress, reaching an impressive PCE of 24%.[1] The soft nature of perovskite allows the easy combination with other additives that can provide enhanced properties. Different class of additives are employed to control the morphological and optoelectronic properties and a lot of efforts are dedicated in the understanding the chemical interactions and the physical process involved in the stabilization of the perovskite materials.[2] Here, the use of PbS quantum dots (QDs) as additive embedded in the perovskite matrix is presented, aiming to highlight the effect of the inorganic and semiconductor additives in the final properties of the perovskite. In details, the interaction of the perovskite and PbS QDs with different sizes, and in function of the concentration is careful analyzed. The introduction of the PbS QDs of different sizes or the different amount loaded in the perovskite matrix are found to be crucial in influencing the structural and the photo-physical properties of the final nanocomposite and improving the device performances.