Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting19 (NFM19)
Publication date: 18th July 2019
Nonfullerene-based OPV devices including all-polymer solar cells have gained remarkable attention and now outperform the classical fullerene-based bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) solar cells. However, while small molecule nonfullerene acceptor-based OPV devices have demonstrated record high power conversion efficiencies (PCE), all-polymer devices lag behind for reasons not well understood, in part because in-depth spectroscopic studies of the photo-physical processes are challenging and have not yet been performed extensively.
Here we present a systematic way to quantify the loss processes occurring in OPV devices, spanning from photon absorption to charge carrier extraction. We combine sub-picosecond to millisecond time-resolved spectroscopy techniques including time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL), transient absorption (TA), and time-delayed collection field (TDCF) experiment with advanced spectral and temporal deconvolution of excited state spectra and dynamics to extract accurately the exciton and charge carrier recombination parameters. The experimentally-determined parameters were then used to simulate the JV characteristics and device performance confirming the applicability of the proposed methodology to semiconducting thin-film organic solar cells.
Specifically, we applied the methodology to quantify the photophysical losses of a new class of polymer acceptors incorporating thieno[3,4-c]pyrrole-4,6-dione (TPD) and 3,4-difluorothiophene ([2F]T) motifs with branched alkyl-chains. These P2TPD[2F]T and P2TPDBT[2F]T polymers blended with the commercial low-bandgap polymer donor PBDT-TS1 reach device efficiencies of up to 4.4%. We unravel the effect of BT incorporation into the polymer backbone on the yield of each photophysical process and discuss the important role of the thin-film morphology on the device performance.