Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting19 (NFM19)
Publication date: 18th July 2019
Hybrid lead halide perovskite-based solar cells have rapidly attained very large solar to electricity power conversion efficiencies. Despite reaching efficiency records, there are several open issues concerning the operating mechanisms and, in relation to this, the selection of proper probing techniques able to extract electronic parameters in a reliable manner. One of these techniques, capacitance analysis, may convey information about several electronic and ionic mechanisms such as dielectric bulk polarization, space-charge depletion zones, electronic bulk chemical storage, defect contribution to the capacitance steps, and interfacial accumulation processes. In general, electrical response of perovskite solar cells are influenced by several capacitive and resistive mechanisms, which are also modulated by light. This variety of capacitive effects may induce wrong interpretations and produce misleading outcomes when uncritically connected to the bulk polarization or defect responses [1,2].
Capacitive effects occurring at outer interfaces are by far much more elusive than those taking place at the absorber bulk. In practical terms, it is necessary to distinguish between capacitive currents originated from the charging−discharging dynamics of capacitors of dielectric nature linked with the ionic polarization of outer electrodes [3] and also light-induced electronic accumulation surface layers [4] confined within the Debye length in the vicinity of the contacts, from chemical interactions between mobile ions within the absorber perovskite and the contact layers [5]. It has been recently demonstrated that electrical biasing induces contact reaction and produces modifications of the current level by favoring the ability of perovskite/Au interfaces to inject electronic carriers [6]. It is then mandatory to pay attention at the reactivity of perovskite contacts if this technology aims to reach long-term stability.