Proceedings of nanoGe Fall Meeting19 (NFM19)
Publication date: 18th July 2019
While the fact that (the most popular) Halide Perovskites (HaPs) are only just stable (against decomposition into binaries) may seem to doom them for practical use, actually the opposite is the case. The reason is that this situation and the low activation energy for this process and its reverse (formation from the binaries), leads directly to very low defect densities in their bulk. As energetics at surfaces differ from those in the bulk, the sur- and inter-faces, external and internal, are the loci for most of the defects in HaPs. The above explains their ability to self-repair and many more of their properties. Naturally there are deeper reasons for such behavior and I will elaborate and explain those in my lecture, as well as possible implications for how we view electronic materials.