Proceedings of nanoGe September Meeting 2017 (NFM17)
Publication date: 20th June 2016
We investigate distance-dependent interactions in clustered CdSe/CdS quantum dots/quantum rods (QDQRs). QDQRs are encapsulated within amphiphilic diblock copolymer micelles. The number of QDQRs in the micelle can be tuned with the variation of the polymer to QDQR ratio. The distance between the QDQRs inside the micelles can be controlled by performing a ligand exchange of the native ligand.
The micelles serve as platform for power-dependent photoluminescence measurements, conducted by excitation with different intensities. Increasing the excitation power generally increases the average exciton population per QDQR. We observe signatures of exciton-exciton interactions starting with exciton populations of one. This is tentatively assigned to an interaction between the excitons across the QDQRs. The non-monotonic increase of the PL intensity with excitation power in this regime supports the idea of a new, non-radiative multiexciton decay across the cluster. To get more Information about this kind of interaction we apply Transient Absorption spectroscopy. By varying the pump wavelength, we are able to specifically excite core and shell and follow the subsequent relaxation.