Proceedings of September Meeting 2016 (NFM16)
Publication date: 14th June 2016
Charge transport in organic semiconductors is characterised by a strong degree of disorder in both the energy of charge transporting sites and the coupling between them. This disorder arises from variations in conformation and structure of molecular units and the weak binding interactions between them. Such disorder gives rise to dispersive transport where a wide range of time scales are sampled for charge transfer events. Transport phenomena in devices are further complicated by the influence of electrodes, impurities and unintentional doping on the electrostatic environment. As a consequence, charge carrier transport is difficult to quantify, both experimentally and theoretically. We will report on experimental measurements to probe charge transport in organic semiconductors on different length and time scales and show how apparently contradictory results can be reconciled when appropriate models are used. We show how microscopic (molecule level) and macroscopic (device level) models can be combined to rationalise the impact of chemical or physical structure of a material on device response.