Preparation of ZnO/CdS/CdSe Systems and their Application in Solar Cells
Kamila Zarebska a, Magdalena Skompska a
a Warsaw University, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Electrochemistry, Pasteura 1. 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS)
Proceedings of nanoGe September Meeting 2015 (NFM15)
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2015 September 6th - 15th
Poster, Kamila Zarebska, 253
Publication date: 8th June 2015

Solar cells based on nanostructural ZnO with semiconductor sensitizer (semiconductor-sensitized solar cell (SSSC)) consist of environmental friendly components and provide a wide range of light absorption, good stability and low preparation costs. ZnO/CdS/CdSe is the system, where all elements could be deposited in different way, because all element are deposited independently, layer by layer. The goal of this work was to study the influence of the methods of preparation of ZnO/CdS/CdSe electrodes on the properties of resultant photoelectrochemical cells containing Na2SO3 or Na2S electrolytes.

ZnO nanorods were formed on FTO glass by electrodeposition. Parameters of the nanorods were controlled by seeding layer, applied potential and time of deposition process. The best results were obtained for the nanorods of diameter of 30 -50 nm and length of about 500 nm.

The second component of system was CdS thin layer deposited on ZnO nanorods by SILAR (successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction) method. The layer of CdS should be thick enough to cover the whole ZnO surface. On the other hand, too thick layer of cadmium sulfide chopped the area between nanorods and blocked place for the third component. The amount of CdS was controlled by the number of SILAR cycles.

The third component of the system was thin layer of CdSe. It was deposited in two different ways: electrochemical deposition and SILAR method. It was found that the way of preparation has a great influence on morphology of the sample. The most promising results were obtained for the samples with electrochemically deposited film.

All samples were studied by SEM, UV-Vis spectroscopy, XRD and photoelectrochemical method.

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