In-situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering Study of the Formation of Ultrathin 2D Cu2–xS Nanosheets
Celso de Mello Donega a, Andrei Petukhov a, Joost van der Lit a, Robin Geitenbeek a, Stijn Hinterding a, Anne Berends a, Freddy Rabouw a, Ward van der Stam a, Jaco Geuchies a, Sylvain Prévost b
a ESRF, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, Grenoble, 38000, France
Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS)
Proceedings of nanoGe September Meeting 2015 (NFM15)
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2015 September 6th - 15th
Poster, Ward van der Stam, 052
Publication date: 8th June 2015

The electronic properties of nanocrystals depend not only on the chemical composition, but also on size and shape. By choosing the reaction conditions and chemicals used in the synthesis, different sizes and shapes are obtained, ranging from 0D quantum dots to 1D nanorods and 2D nanosheets. Ultrathin 2-dimensional (2D) nanosheets (NSs) possess extraordinary properties that are attractive for both fundamental studies and technological devices. Colloidal 2D nanosheets have been successfully prepared in a variety of compositions, but the understanding of the growth mechanism, however, is underdeveloped.             

Recently, we have demonstrated that the shape of Cu2–xS nanoparticles formed when dodecanethiol decomposes in the presence of a Cu-salt, changes from spherical nanocrystals to ultrathin nanosheets when halides are added [1]. The tentative model suggested that the halides stabilize the lamellar Cu-thiolate complexes to the extent where monomers for nucleation and growth are formed. Therefore, nucleation and growth is only allowed within the 2D constraints of the halide stabilized box. Although plausible, this mechanism is not yet supported by direct experimental evidence, which can only be obtained with in-situ X-ray measurements. Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) was used to probe the columnar phase of the Cu-thiolate precursor with and without halides, while Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) yielded information on the crystallinity of the product Cu2-xS NCs.             

We found that Cu2–xS is a very robust system to study with in-situ x-ray scattering. The desired nanocrystal geometries are obtained in a capillary, despite the difficulties to exactly reproduce the reaction conditions of the lab. By following the precursors and the formation of the NCs simultaneously, we have been able to verify our proposed mechanism with time-resolution. Therefore, our results give meaningful insights in the formation of 2-dimensional nanomaterials.             

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