Study of the Interaction between Core/Shell PbS/CdS Quantum Dots and Hybrid Halide Perovskite
Mauricio Solis de la Fuente a, Rafael S. Sanchez a, Ivan Mora-Sero a, Isaac Suarez b, Juan P. Martínez-Pastor b
a UMDO, Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales, Universidad de Valencia, 46071 Valencia, Spain., Spain
Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS)
Proceedings of nanoGe September Meeting 2015 (NFM15)
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2015 September 6th - 15th
Poster, Ivan Mora-Sero, 039
Publication date: 8th June 2015

Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have been intensively studied in the last few decades for optoelectronic applications as solar cells, photodetectors, LEDs or lasers. QDs are extremely interesting for these applications due to the their outstanding properties as tunable band gap, high extinction coefficients, large intrinsic dipole moment, and very important also, devices can be prepared from low cost solution methods. Moreover in the last three years the interests in hybrid halide perovskite (HPVK) has been boosted mainly due to the amazing photoconversion efficiencies, higher than 20%, reported using these materials as light absorbers in devices prepared from solution methods.            

Combination of materials with different nature is a procedure well known to mankind that has been exploited since hundreds, even thousands, of years ago as it is exemplified with adobe, concrete, or stained glass. Despites the interest of both QDs and HPVK for the development of optoelectronic devices there are very few examples of the combination of both kind of materials. Nevertheless very interesting synergies could be expected from the interactions between them.           

Here, we present the study of core/shell PbS/CdS and CH3NH3PbI3 single layer and the combination of QD/HPVK bilayer. The deposition and annealing conditions are studied as optimum conditions for QDs are sensibly different that the ones for HPVK. Photoluminescence and electroluminescence has been systematically analyzed, highlighting the effect of interaction. The implications for the development of near infrared LEDs will be discussed.

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