Photophysics of CuInS2nanoparticles
Troy B. Kilburn  a, Daniel R. Gamelin a, Kathryn E. Knowles a, Patrick J. Whitham a, Arianna Marchioro a
a University of Washington, US, Seattle, United States
Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS)
Proceedings of nanoGe September Meeting 2015 (NFM15)
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2015 September 6th - 15th
Poster, Arianna Marchioro, 019
Publication date: 8th June 2015
CuInS2 (CIS) semiconductor nanocrystals have recently attracted attention as a less-toxic alternativeto CdSe and PbS. Absorption byCIS nanoparticles can be tuned throughout the visible range of the solar spectrum, which makes them attractive candidates for solar energy conversion applications. Compared to CdSe and PbS, which typically have a full-width half-maximum of ~50 100 meV, the width of the photoluminescence band in CIS is very large (~300 meV full-width half-maximum), as is the separation in energy between itsabsorption and emission peaks (~500 meV). The broad linewidth and large effective Stokes shift suggest the involvement of a defect state, the nature of which has been unclear. Interestingly, and contrary to defect emission in other semiconductor nanocrystals such as CdSe, the photoluminescence in CIS based nanocrystals can be very strong, and quantum yields greater than 80% have been reported. The combination of broad emission and large effective Stokes shift decreases the probability of reabsorption processes, making CISwell suited for applications such as white light-emitting diodesand luminescent solar concentrators. The spectroscopic characterizationof CIS nanoparticlesis of fundamental importance for optimizing their performance in these applications. This talk will present our group's recent spectroscopic findings for CIS and related semiconductor nanocrystals.

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