Proceedings of MATSUS Spring 2025 Conference (MATSUSSpring25)
Publication date: 16th December 2024
Indium phosphide quantum dots (QDs) have become the workhorse for visible light emission within the past decade and today, green- and red-emitting InP QDs are extensively used for color conversion in commercial displays. On the other hand, it turned out highly challenging to achieve efficient and narrow emission in the blue range around 450-470 nm, which remains an active field of research.
With a bulk band gap of 1.35 eV, InP QDs could be also of high interest for the near-infrared range, e.g., for in vivo biological imaging. However, for achieving an emission beyond 700 nm, large particle sizes > 7 nm are required, which turned out difficult to synthesize with established methods involving indium(III) halides or carboxylates and silyl- or aminophosphine precursors. While exploring the use of indium(I) halides for double use as the indium precursor and reducing agent of aminophosphine, we found that large tetrahedral InP QDs with edge lengths of around 10 nm could be obtained.[1] After overcoating with ZnS or ZnSe/ZnS shells, these QDs exhibit narrow NIR emission at wavelengths up to 730 nm. Additional coating with an alumina shell resulted in excellent chemical stability, demonstrated by transferring the QDs to the aqueous phase via surface ligand exchange while maintaining their photoluminescence quantum yield of around 40%.[2]
Going further in the near- and short-wave infrared range opens up a large space of additional applications for III-V QDs in various fields such as night-vision, plastic sorting, agriculture, surveillance and consumer electronics. Nonetheless, narrow bandgap III-V materials have been much less explored than lead chalcogenide QDs (PbS, PbSe) due to synthetic challenges related to their more covalent character, the scarcity of appropriate group-V precursors, and their high oxidation sensitivity. We extended the indium(I) halide / aminopnictogen synthetic platform to InAs and InSb QDs, which gave access to wavelengths up to 2 µm.[3] After overgrowth with appropriate shell materials, they can also act as efficient NIR/SWIR emitters.[4]
We acknowledge support from ST Microelectronics, the European Union's Horizon research and innovation program under grant agreement n° 101135704 (HortiQD) and the French Research Agency ANR under grant agreement n° ANR-24-CE09-0786-01 (Piquant).