Proceedings of MATSUS Fall 2024 Conference (MATSUSFall24)
Publication date: 28th August 2024
Developing new photovoltaic materials historically has been a time-consuming process, and only few materials have cleared the path into commercialization. It has also been shown that increasing device efficiency is strongly correlated with the number of publications [1] and thus also with the overall research effort in a particular material class. High-throughput synthesis and characterization can be a path to accelerate material development. Recently an empirical figure of merit (FOM) based on 8 material parameters has been proposed by Crovetto [2], to predict potential device efficiency based on measured or estimated materials. This can be useful tool to screen potential materials or direct research efforts. In all of this the application advanced characterization and interpretation of data plays an important role. Determining reliable numbers for carrier lifetime, doping density [3,4], mobility, or band offsets (among others) can be challenging, and misinterpretation of data or unsuitable measurement conditions may result in misguided conclusions about research priorities. We propose that development and publication of best practices [5] as well as numerical simulation-aided analysis methodologies in advanced characterization techniques can help to reduce unwanted variance in results and focus research efforts.
[1] Dale and Scarpulla, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 251 (2023) 112097
[2] Crovetto, J. Phys. Energy 6 (2024) 025009
[3] Hages, et al, Adv. En. Mat. 7 (2017), 1700167S
[4] Ravishankar, Unold, Kirchartz, Science 371 (2021), eabd8014
[5] Hempel et al, Adv. En. Mat. 12 (2022) 2102776