Proceedings of MATSUS Fall 2024 Conference (MATSUSFall24)
Publication date: 28th August 2024
Metal-halide perovskites exhibit bright and sharp luminescence, with properties that can be tuned over a wide range through solution processing. The first half of this talk examines realising polarised luminescence. Here, CsPbI3 nanoplatelets are self-assembled into an edge-up orientation. Through strong dielectric and quantum confinement, there is a large exciton fine structure splitting. As a result, we achieve strong emission from out-of-plane dipoles for the optically bright excitons in these superlattices. In light-emitting diodes, this leads to a high degree of polarisation of 74.4% in electroluminescence, without requiring any photonic structures [1].
The second half of this talk makes use of the versatility of metal-halide perovskites to examine hot carrier cooling [2]. In particular, although defect tolerance has been widely quoted as a key enabling properties of band-edge (cold) carriers, it is unknown whether this can be extended to hot carriers. Through interband and intraband femtosecond spectroscopy, along with excitation-energy-dependent photoluminescence quantum efficiency measurements and kinetic modelling, we show that hot carriers are not universally defect tolerant, but depend on the energy of the traps. The trap density in CsPbX3 (X is Br, I or both) is intentionally tuned by washing the surface with polar antisolvents [3], and we show that hot carriers are directly trapped by defects, without going through a cold carrier intermediate. By showing how defects affect hot carriers, this work leads to design principles that could be used to realise hot carrier solar cells.
We acknowledge support from a UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Frontier Grant (grant no. EP/X029900/1), awarded via the European Research Council Starting Grant 2021 scheme.