Proceedings of MATSUS Spring 2024 Conference (MATSUS24)
Publication date: 18th December 2023
Technological deployment of organic photovoltaics (OPV) requires improvements in device light-conversion efficiency and stability while keeping material costs feasible. Non-fullerene small molecule acceptors emerged as a new horizon pushing the boundaries of OPV and bring them back to competition with other solution processed photovoltaics with unique properties such as semitransparency and power per weight. The power conversion efficiency of OPV has reached 19% in just a couple of years after replacing fullerene alternatives. Non fullerene acceptors are inherently more stable than fullerene derivatives. However, they do still suffer from long term photo and thermal stabilities. There is an understanding gap where we look into acceptors and donot structure-proprty relationships to understand the performance-stability relationship.
In this talk, I will talk how NFAs exceeded the limits of fullerenes and share approaches to overcome photo and thermal stability issues. Finally, I will share state-of-the-art activities on transparent OPV and their scale-up and deployment in potential areas such as greenhouses.